Enchanted Gardening, Part 1
The photo of our garden nursery in the morning light that thrills my senses, the one that generated my niece’s response. It’s the view from my kitchen window I see every morning.
It is the period of the waxing moon, a time of new beginnings, doors opening, possibilities appearing. I posted a photo of the waning summer light on my garden nursery that drew the attention of my niece who just bought her first house. She said, “I need you to help me create a bountiful garden like yours”……A door opens. A door opens to creating a bountiful garden that enchants her, not like mine, but her bountiful garden. It’s a way to practice Soul Speak. Is she ready for this? She probably was thinking about just some pretty, colorful plant arrangements, but the poor girl has an aunty that will turn anything into a soul awakening experience.
I am not a garden designer who knows the latest trends, the rules of design, the various categories of style. I am an artist who has fully embraced my Celtic Spirituality and practices the life giving art of listening to one’s soul, Duende, wise woman, heart, whatever one likes to call our inner voice that bridges the outer world with the world on the other side, the invisible world.
Building a garden from the soul, a garden that feeds your spirit, feels like sanctuary, is full of enchantment and life energy, starts with learning to listen to and express your soul’s yearnings. How does one do that? There are so many wonderful teachers out there to guide us. My favorite is John O’Donohue. At it’s very basic for me, I find quiet moments of solitude, or walking in nature, looking at pictures, or in meditation, to practice this listening by noticing thoughts and feelings in response to what I see and experience. What lights me up? John O’Donohue says that our soul yearns to find visible expression through us. It’s what gives us meaning and purpose. To build a garden this way, by listening to our soul’s yearning for expression, is to have your home fall in love with you and you with it so you nurture each other.
In another blog, I’ll share my process for imagining your garden of enchantment, a garden that feeds your soul.