Fall Settles in and Shows us the Beauty of the Late Stages of Life
The fall transition has come on so quickly. Such a hot dry summer brought out the beautiful colors and bounty of life fully ripened. Now the rains begin and outside chores slow down enough for me to experiment with my new inspiration; Tree Amulets, for holding wishes, prayers, intentions remembrances. They have proven to be very labor intensive, challenging but so satisfying. I hope to make several different kinds that will carry wishes, hopes, dreams, and intentions inside the capsules and charms.
Fall Sunrise
Pomegranates! I didn't know we could grow fully ripe pomegranates in Oregon.
Our little pomegranate tree in the lower right corner. It was in a pot for many years and I thought it was done but Roger, who rescues everything, talked me into planting it in the garden. It was very appreciative that he didn't give up on it. And of course, lush fall colors. Leaves are most beautiful at the elder stage of their lives...